Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Backs Civil Partnerships For Same-Sex Couples
Zelensky said the constitution cannot be changed during wartime, but his government was exploring alternative options
Pope Francis' Backing Same Sex Unions Still Deserves Some Criticism
Pope Francis’ backing same sex unions in Evgeny Afineevsky’s documentary, Francesco, lacks any real substance… By Tristan Coolman Pope Francis’ recent support of same-sex civil unions is historic – there...
Bulgaria Court Recognizes Gay Marriage In Landmark Case
Cristina Palma has been granted the right to live and work in Bulgaria… A court in Bulgaria has ruled in favor of a same-sex couple in a case that...
A Historic First For Asia: Taiwan Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage
Taiwan’s parliament has become the first in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage following a vote on Friday… Lawmakers in Taiwan voted Friday and approved a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, a landmark...
Bermuda Has Ruled To Keep Same-Sex Marriage Legal
Bermuda has legalized same-sex marriage for the second time
Bermuda Becomes The First Country To Ever Revoke Same-Sex Marriage
Bermuda swaps marriage for domestic partnerships for LGBT couples… For the first time in history, a country has repealed same-sex marriage rights. Bermuda has just become the first jurisdiction...