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You're A Winner Baby! Canada's Drag Race Season 5 Q&Slay: The Virgo Queen

You’re A Winner Baby! Canada’s Drag Race Season 5 Q&Slay: The Virgo Queen

The Toronto queen was just crowned the winner of Canada’s Drag Race season 5. She talks to IN Magazine about her reaction to her win, competing with her daughter, and what she plans to do with her reign…

Long live the queen! After a legendary season, Toronto’s own The Virgo Queen was crowned the winner of Canada’s Drag Race season 5 (you can read IN’s recap of “Grand Finale” here). Throughout the season Virgo displayed her show stopping talent winning episode one’s music video challenge, as well as the lip sync slay-offs during episode three. She remained a fierce competitor right to the end, often landing in the top of the pack whether she was giving a pop star performance or making us laugh in a comedy mini challenge. After lip syncing for the crown against runner-up Makayla Couture, at 26 years-old, The Virgo Queen is now the first Afro Indigenous winner in the show’s herstory! Fresh of her win, she talks to IN Magazine about this season’s talented cast, what set her apart from her sisters, and both the far-fetched and realistic goals she’s set for her reign. 

 Congratulations on winning the crown! What does it feel like to be Canada’s Next Drag Superstar?
I mean…it’s a blessing. It feels super exciting! 

If you could describe your journey on the show in three words, what would they be?
Resilient, talented, and I guess…family. 

I was also thinking vocals, performance-
The performance was…I mean from everyone, right?  

You're A Winner Baby Canada's Drag Race Season 5 Q&Slay The Virgo Queen

All four of you were so good it was so hard to see who the final two would be through the edit.
I mean, literally! I could barely even keep up, and I knew it was gonna happen. I was just like, “that’s a top four”. We worked so hard together to make that episode really strong. And watching it last night, I was just so impressed by everyone. I was so happy for us.  

I watched the footage of you finding out that you won. It looked like such an emotional moment. What goes through your head at a moment like that?
I think I was just shocked! I couldn’t really process it right away. Like, it’s correct. I believe in myself. I just wasn’t–I didn’t want to be overconfident or prepare to win and then not win. So I just didn’t prepare at all. And so when it happened, in my mind, I’m like, “what do I do? Like, how do I respond?” I was like, “oh my god”. And I kind of took a moment to just breathe, and then someone gave me instructions. (laughs)

And to have gone through this journey, even partially, with your daughter, Sanjina, watching her watch you lip sync was so emotional. As a mother, you’ve given her so much wisdom, support, and love, but what is something that you’ve learned from her through all of this?
I mean, I learned a lot from Sanjina, for sure. She’s such a magical person that has a lot to offer. During this competition, I mean, I think I learned how important drag family is to her. And, you know, how I gotta make sure that I show up for her all the time. ‘Cause I think that that’s really something that she deserves and needs.  

When we talked earlier in the week, you said that your advice to a new queen walking into the werk room was that their uniqueness really makes them shine. What was something that you brought to the competition that was unique from any of your season five sisters?
I would definitely say the vocals. I mean, it’s unmatched, but also I think I didn’t put on a character or acted a certain way or try to get a certain response. I was just 100% percent  myself, just having a good time. I think if you just be natural, I think it came across on the screen well. That’s what people say. I don’t know. (laughs)

You're A Winner Baby Canada's Drag Race Season 5 Q&Slay The Virgo Queen

It did give natural.
I’m watching it every time. I’m like, “why did I do that?” But then everyone’s like, “That’s what you do!” I’m like, “I act like that all the time? Really?” It’s kind of weird, but, OK.  

On the main stage last night, you talked about when you were growing up how you sometimes would wish you were from somewhere else, but that ultimately gave you the drive to keep your head up and keep pushing through. If you could have a conversation with your younger self, baby Virgo, what would you say?
I would definitely say “You’re a bad bitch!” I would say remember who you are, where you came from, because that’s just gonna give you strength and you can draw from that. And I would say work on your mug. (laughs)

From a viewer’s perspective, at least from my perspective, from week one, you exemplified empathy and humility while still maintaining a competitor’s spirit, which if we’re going to talk about astrology, I think that’s pure Virgo energy.
I mean…thank you! It’s just like such a compliment to hear that about who I am, because of course I strive to be a good person and kind and all that, but, for people to just see that from the screen? I’m just like, kind of, I don’t know, it still gags me! I’m impressed by myself, is that bad to say?

You're A Winner Baby Canada's Drag Race Season 5 Q&Slay The Virgo Queen

No, I think you should say it more.
Because I’m like, so nice. (laughs)

You actually remind me so much of one of my best friends who’s also a Virgo, I think that you just have that Virgo aura.
It works, right? I am very much a Virgo. 

How do you manage that balance between being a fierce competitor, but also being so supportive of your sisters and daughter at the same time?
I think I just completely detached the two things. And when I was with the girls, everything that we did was just fun and having a good time and enjoying being on Drag Race, and like being on these sets, and doing these challenges that I’ve watched for all these years. It was just having a good time and then once I had to focus on myself, I really was just competing with myself in terms of, you know, having to keep your head in the game and at that point, you prepared all you can prepare, right?

You brought what you brought. It is what it is. You just have to put it on. So, while I was there, I was just trying to have a good time. I was not competitive with those girls. I didn’t even really pay attention to them. On purpose! Just to trick myself. Because I didn’t want to see them and be like, “Oh my god, like Look at her beautiful gown. I could never compare to that!” Or like, “Look at her hair!” Like,you’re just gonna get into your head and that’s just not gonna benefit you at all. So I just tried to tunnel vision, focus, but also, have fun with the girls.

You're A Winner Baby Canada's Drag Race Season 5 Q&Slay The Virgo Queen

We talked about it earlier in the week, too, how you’re your biggest competitor. But this season, you all offered something so different. The diversity within the cast was stellar. So good. So I think that’s so interesting. You all really were truly in your own lanes.
Literally, it’s so crazy because they talk about having the tokens, and technically we’re all tokens. Do you know what I mean? Cause we just checked different boxes that were like,  so nice to see all in one screen.

Venus has passed the crown and scepter over to you. In what ways has her reign inspired you?
She inspires me so much. That goes back to just being who she is, just being authentic. She does things that I would never do, but when she does it, it’s so good. I think that’s kind of where I wanna just do me and do whatever I feel is right, and then hopefully, even if it’s different or if it’s not the norm, it’ll be received well, because I feel like that’s what she does.

You’re now officially in the Global Drag Race Winners Circle. If you could collaborate with any other Ru Girl, who would it be and what would you want to do with them?
Oh my goodness, stop!  Oh wow!  I mean…I would love to collaborate with the first ever crowned queen of Canada, Miss Priyanka Love, because she does record and produce music, and I would love to do that with her. But also Lemon and Shea Couleé. It’s hard to choose but those are the three names that come to mind.

You're A Winner Baby! Canada's Drag Race Season 5 Q&Slay: The Virgo Queen

Earlier this week, you also told me that winning the crown would open doors for you to gain access to opportunity. Now that you have the crown, what would be your wildest dream to fulfill?
Wildest dream to fulfill? Probably like, purchasing a planet and then putting a casino on it, and then like, being super, super rich, and then buying a yacht, and then buying a country. (laughs)

Okay, shifting to something slightly more realistic…In a year’s time, you’ll be passing the crown onto another queen, as Venus did for you. What do you hope to accomplish between now and then during your reign?
I really do want to travel. I want to experience a lot more community, a lot more culture. I want to dive into creating music. But I also want to make sure that I’m using this platform to open opportunities for my community. I definitely want to try to influence some change like in the local drag scene because I feel like there’s a lot of people that are stuck in their ways, so hopefully with this power and the respect that hopefully comes with it, I just would like to move all of us  forward together, so that everyone benefits.

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