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Rupaul's Drag Race Season 13 Episode 6 Recap: Disco-Mentary

The queens take us down to Funkytown with a performance crash course on the history of Disco…

Last week we said goodbye to Joey Jay in our second elimination lip sync of the season, and nobody was more upset than Joey’s boyfriend-to-be Kandy Muse. Following the building tension between Tamisha and Kandy on last week’s episode, and Untucked, the Drag Race fandom erupted on social media. It got a little messy online, with many fans going as far as sending death threats to others as a way to defend their favourite queen. As much as we all love to kiki, this is a bit much. Will we ever learn? This week we’ll see the queens heat up the dancefloor with a disco challenge, and the tension grows between Tamisha and Kandy…. Let’s get into it.

We catch up with our queens in the werk room following Joey’s elimination. The queens read Joey’s lipstick message on the mirror, Kandy declares that she will make Joey her boyfriend when she sees him again, and Gottmik brings up the drama between Kandy and Tamisha in Untucked. Kandy and Tamisha popped off at each other in Untucked, Utica says she thinks it was blown out of proportion, which I think we can all agree it was. It quickly turns into Untucked: The Sequel, complete with playback of the footage in question. Look, Kandy blew it up, and Tamisha played down what she originally said. Both queens are at fault. But something tells me this isn’t the end of this season’s first feud.

It’s a new day in the werk room, and the mood is… awkward. Ru’s delivers a cryptic message full of disco hits in the video mail and enters the werk room to announce this week’s challenges. Looking ravishing in red, Ru tells the queens they will be working in pairs to create dresses out of wallpaper for this week’s mini challenge. The dresses will be modelled against a wall with the same paper. Oh, and the pairs they choose now will remain the same for the maxi challenge later. The pairs are as follows, Utica, and Olivia, Tamisha and Elliott, Kandy and Tina, Symone and LaLa Ri, and Denali and Rosé. Since Gottmik won last week’s ball challenge, she gets to choose which couple to be in. She goes with Kandy and Tina, and the groups are set. The queens have 30 minutes to make their dresses.

After they finish modelling their dresses, Ru announces the winners of the mini challenge are Elliott and Tamisha. The two left at the end, go figure! Ru tells the queens for this week’s maxi challenge; the queens will be making a dancing documentary on disco. Each pair/group will cover a different era of disco with Tina Kandy and Gottmik covering the birth of Disco, Elliott and Tamisha have Disco and sex. Olivia and Utica have Studio 54, Denali and Rosé get Disco fashion and LaLa Ri and Symone have Disco Sucks.

The queens get to work learning the music, and getting disco looks together, and Ru re-enters the room to catch up with the queens on their progress with their disco performances. After talking to the queens, and giving them a crash course in disco, the queens head out to the main stage to learn their dances with choreographer Miguel Zarate.  As you can expect, the dance rehearsals go as they usually do, except for Denali and Rosé who are both dancers, so they now have to live up to the hype they’ve created for themselves.

It’s elimination day, and as the queens prepare to get disco fever, our trio of Gottmik, Tina Burner, and Kandy Muse confirm to the rest of the group that they are the mean girl clique of the season, and I’m totally getting Ro-Laska-Tox flashbacks. In front of the mirrors, Olivia, Tamisha and Kandy share their journeys growing up, and what lead them to drag, and Kandy’s past sheds some light on her defensiveness in the fight with Tamisha last week. Out on the main stage, Ru introduces the judge’s panel, as well as this week’s special guest Loni Love. The Disco performance started a little rocky with the trio, but it quickly picked up into an electric, and colourful celebration of disco, with both Elliott, and Olivia lux turning it out with the choreography. Out on the runway the category is “little black dress”, and the queens serve in their best LBDs. After strutting the runway, Ru announces Gottmik, Denali, Rosé, LaLa Ri, and Symone are safe, with the rest of course representing the tops and bottoms of the week.

The judge’s critiques start with Tina Burner. They didn’t love her runway look, but adored her Disco dress, and performance. The judges told Kandy they didn’t really love either of her looks, and that they wished she would bring something different to her performances. They loved Elliott’s performance in the Disco dance number, but thought her LBD was a bit… basic. Tamisha’s handmade dress was almost there, and so was her performance. Olivia got praise from her hair to her boots for her runway look, and performance this week, as she should. Lastly, Utica’s Disco performance was a bit too camp, and after explaining her runway look, the judges loved it. But was it too little too late?

Following the deliberations, Ru announces Olivia Lux is the reigning Dancing Queen Supreme of this week’s challenge. Tina, Elliott, and Utica are all safe this week. AND IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS. After weeks of back-and-forth Tamisha Iman, and Kandy Muse are fighting against each other at the bottom to continue on in this competition.

The two bottom queens lip sync to “Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops!)” by Blue Cantrell, and it’s clear neither of these queens want to leave this week. After a very passionate, and fiery lip sync, Ru decides Kandy Muse is staying in the competition, and the legendary Miss Tamisha Iman becomes the third queen to be eliminated from season 13. Tamisha delivered the best commentary this season. I said what I said, and with that being said…goodnight.

Front runner of the week: It’s about damn TIME Olivia Lux got the praise she rightfully deserved. She is sunshine personified, and we need to keep our eyes on her.

The lewk that was safe but should have been talked about in detail: Symone, Symone Symone, and that fringe dress made of hair. While we’re on the topic of hair…ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

What we’ll see next week: The queens have to improv for their lives on a trashy talk show with Ross.

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1 Comment

    Deb / 24 April 2021

    I was all for Olivia Lux, the complete Diva. I am not gay but she was astonishing. Sweet, classy, true lady, and funny. Yes, she has some to learn yet but she should have been at least number two under Symone. After Olivia was gone, I rooted full fledged for Symone. Again, beautiful, sweet, moved her body with her lip sync very womanly, just all round true woman with a .little bit of the ghetto attitude which in the combination was everything a Divia should be. I Rupaul should have made Kandy no way a Diva go when she lost her lip sync. I believe the only reason Kandy was allowed to stay is because she kept the drama going to which most of the population seems to thrive on drama. I myself, thought she was way beyond drama with her self attitude, her speaking sound was like she had mouth full of s**t. you couldn’t understand her and she was conceded, arrogant,bossy, loud, had to take over conversations and talk about herself like she was the one, well she was not the one. I can’t believe they actually let her go as far as they did. If she would have been Queen, I would never watch that program again. I’ve also read up on a lot of people’s comments on different sights and apparently they were sick of her too. And she need to where more full clothes, not the skimpy outfits she wears, She not the build for it and made her just look like a Hoe advertising. But I hope I will see Olivia on there again back in battle mentality and I am so glad Symone won. She stated she was going to do something different for the last lip sync and she came out kicking. Beautiful!


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