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Celebrating Canada's 2SLGBTQI+ Communities

Egale Canada Launches #GetHerOnEllen With Michelle DuBarry To Raise Awareness Of Issues Faced By LGBTQ Seniors

There are many unique challenges that come with ageing as an LGBTQI2S person…
Eagle Canada has launched a social initiative aimed at raising awareness of the unique challenges that face LGBTQI2S seniors. The #GetHerOnEllen campaign aims to shed light on overlooked issues like age discrimination and heightened rates of social isolation by helping one of the world’s oldest performing drag queens Michelle DuBarry (whose real name is Russell Alldread) realize her dream of meeting Ellen Degeneres.
At the age of 88 (born November 23, 1931), DuBarry has previously made headlines as Canada’s oldest drag queen…she even held the title of World’s Oldest Performing Drag Queen for a brief period (awarded by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2015) but has since been dethroned by Walter “Darcelle XV” Cole in Oregon, who’s one year older.
DuBarry is one of millions of seniors across the country who are struggling with the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination that come with being an older and ageing LGBTQI2S person. Due to their sexual orientation and gender identity, LGBTQI2S seniors face unique challenges across the board. In fact, according to recent statistics compiled from Egale Canada an overwhelming number of LGBTQI2S seniors do feel isolated and fear being forced back into the closet in residential care, while others chose not to disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity to their primary healthcare provider because of the fear of discrimination.
DuBarry wants to help bring awareness to those issues and more.
According to Helen Kennedy, Executive Director of Egale Canada, DuBarry “is the embodiment of what it means to give back to our community.” So this October, during LGBT History Month, Egale Canada is calling on others to help give back to the beloved Toronto queen and help her realize her dream of meant the queen of daytime and catch the attention of The Ellen Show by using the hashtag #GetHerOnEllen.

“I dream about… I watch Ellen Degeneres all the time. What a kick that would be to be invited and come in and meet her,” says DuBarry. “Oh my god, wow.”
To help get Toronto’s own Michelle DuBarry on The Ellen Show you can hop on Twitter and other social media platforms and help spread the word using the hashtag #GetHerOnEllen.
You can read our profile on the beloved Toronto Queen, Michelle DuBarry: Who You Callin’ a Golden Girl?, which appeared in our April/May 2016 issue of IN Magazine right here.

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