The library is OFFICIALY open…
It has been a week since Brooke Lynn Hytes, and Yvie Oddly delivered one of the most ICONIC lip-syncs in the show’s entire history (rivaled only by legends). I have done nothing but think about Brooke’s outfit reveal on the runway for seven whole days. So despite the Snatch Game leaving a lot to be desired, the runway delivered last week and we are all still so thankful. Since none of our queens went home last week (thank u Mama Ru), there is no message in lipstick to read this week. When the episode starts, we meet up with the queens entering the werk room, some relieved, and some upset that there are still eight of them that remain. Both Yvie and Brooke are both feeling thankful for the second chance; others are quick to let them know that this is still anybody’s game. Silky, still basking in her winning glory (after being overshadowed by the best lip sync of the season), is still sure she is bringing just enough to the table to make it to the end. Both Shuga, and I are not sure that’s going to be enough to carry her all the way to the end.
The next day, Ru enters the werk room and declares that the library is officially open, because reading is what???? FUNDIMENTAL! Up first is Nina West, and it was off to a rocky start, but it quicky picked up, with the best reads being directed towards Silky, Plastique, and Shuga. This may have been the first time the queens being read, were reading back, and it was simply everything. Ru announced that the winner of the mini challenge was Brooke Lynn, setting her back at the top of the pack after her Celine Di-oh no last week. This week’s maxi challenge is a comedy improv challenge working in pairs (which Brooke Lynn picked). She chooses Nina West as her own scene partner, she then matches up Plastique with Vanjie, A’Keria and Yvie, and Silky and Shuga. Brooke Lynn has split up all of the strongest players in what could be a very strategic move to even out the playing field.
While the queens are working through their scripts Brooke confesses to Nina that she’s worried about another comedy challenge, and Nina works her best to make her partner feel comfortable. Ru enters the werk room for the walk-around and reminds the queens who have done poorly in the past comedy challenges to pick it up this week, because this is not the time to get lost in the mix. While some queens are feeling good about another chance to steal a scene, other queens are feeling like history might repeat. Ru announces that the girls will be acting alongside this week’s guest judges, comedian Fortune Feimster, and actor Cheyenne Jackson.

First up on L.A.D.P (Los Angeles Drag Patrol) is Silky and Shuga, with a case of back alley butt pads. Silky does set the scene, but the question still needs to be asked, where is she pulling all this food from week after week? Next up Brooke Lynn and Nina took the stage. After all of her worries, Brooke is really using all of her best tricks and she is KILLING IT. Next up, Vanjie and Plastique, and it was a lot, and not in a good way. The whole scene was a big mess, with most of the comedy coming from Fortune and Cheyenne. Yikes. Last to film their scene was Yvie and A’keria. The scene started as a territorial fight, but ended with a family reunion, not the worst, but certainly not the best. A’Keria stole the whole scene and I wouldn’t be surprised if she won the maxi challenge this week.
It’s elimination day, and nobody is feeling safe except Silky, who decided to try her luck this week with a 10-minute-makeup look. Out on the runway, the category is “Face-kini Fantasy” with the queens serving face by showing only their lips and eyes. Joining the guest judges this week is a legend, and absolute babe Natasha Lyonne. The queens served in a variety of lewks, some better than others.
After the runway, Ru announced that Yvie, and Nina were the two safes of the week, not shocking. The judges thought Silky was good in her scene but overpowering, and her runway lewk wasn’t finished to Michelle’s standards (so much for feeling comfortable Silky.) The judges praised Shuga’s runway (it was stunning) but said she fell a bit short beside Silky. They loved Brooke Lynn all around, with snaps going towards A’Keria as well, with Vanjie getting points for her different silhouette, but both her and Plastique were read for their mess of a scene. Top honours this week went to A’Keria C. Davenport, with Silky, and Brooke Lynn Hytes as the other tops of the week. Shuga was pronounced safe, with Vanjie and Plastique both up for elimination. The two lip sync to Hood Boy by Fantasia Barrino (she’s still making music?) After an entire lip sync with me wondering if this could be the end of #Branjie content we would see this season, my fears were silenced when Vanjie was saved, with Plastique sent packing. But after that mess of a challenge, I can’t say I’m surprised. Can’t wait to see what she’ll wear at the reunion! Too soon?
Frontrunner of the week: A’Keria really stepped outside of her pageant comfort zone, and delivered some stunning comedy. This is a new side of her that I hope we continue to see.
Improv quote of the week: “I’m a level four vegan”- Brooke Lynn Hytes
What we’ll see next week: The queens perform some campy magic that will surely want to make some of them disappear.
Missed a week?: Read our RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 11 recaps right here!