Pop duo met with politicians on Parliament Hill to advocate on behalf of the LGBTQ community…
Girl power was on full display earlier this week when twin sisters and indie pop duo Tegan and Sara took a trip to Parliament Hill.
The recording artists – who started the Tegan and Sara Foundation in 2016 to help in the fight for health, economic justice and representation for LGBTQ girls and women – met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and several MPs to talk about the work of their foundation and encourage the government to tackle issues like underemployment, mental health and discrimination, all of which have a significant impact on the LGBTQ community.
In an interview with CBC News Network’s Power & Politics, the duo also highlighted some hot-button issues of importance to youth including the debate around GSAs (gay-straight alliances) in Alberta and the lack of LGBTQ representation in Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum.
“We really want to see Canada lead in terms of equality,” said Tegan Quin. “We’re seen as a beacon of hope for LGBTQ people around the world and I think it would be a very sad and terrible thing to see us roll back rights, and we’ve already done it.”
Earlier this year, the Calgary natives who openly identify as lesbians, were the recipients of Canada’s highest honour in the performing arts: the Governor General’s Performing Arts Award.
Watch Tegan and Sara’s full Power & Politics interview here:
JUMOL ROYES is a Toronto-based writer/PR & communications strategist with a keen interest in personal development and transformation. Follow him on Twitter @Jumol.