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Frozen’s Elsa Could Be The First Disney Princess With A Girlfriend

At the very least, the conversation about LGBT representation has started…

Disney movies are notoriously bad for gender stereotypes and narrow-minded depictions of romantic relationships. Falling in love and getting married is a pretty important plot point in most Disney movies, and even though they are beginning to break the mold as they create new female characters, when it comes to romance, heterosexual couples are still the gold standard.

Seeing as so many kids consider these fictional characters their idols, it would be nice to finally get a little LGBT representation in Disney movies. Arguably one of the most popular characters in recent years is Frozen’s Elsa. She’s an ice queen whose story has nothing to do with finding a man—that’s what makes her the perfect option to become Disney’s first princess to identify as something other than completely straight.

Jennifer Lee (who also wrote the screenplay for A Wrinkle in Time) is currently working on the Frozen sequel and she is all for the possibility of Elsa having a girlfriend. In an interview with The Huffington Post, Lee said, “I love everything people are saying [and] people are thinking about with our film ― that it’s creating dialogue, that Elsa is this wonderful character that speaks to so many people,” Lee said. “It means the world to us that we’re part of these conversations.”

The hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend began trending on Twitter in 2016 in part because the character’s independence and romance-free storyline was already groundbreaking. Lyrics from the Oscar-winning song “Let it Go” could also be interpreted as an kind of “coming out anthem”.

“Where we’re going with it, we have tons of conversations about it, and we’re really conscientious about these things,” Lee added. “For me … Elsa’s every day telling me where she needs to go, and she’ll continue to tell us. I always write from character-out, and where Elsa is and what Elsa’s doing in her life, she’s telling me every day. We’ll see where we go.”

Although Disney has so far shied away from any flat-out LGBT characters, they are beginning to experiment. In the recent live-action Beauty and the Beast, it was implied that LaFou was gay. There was also speculation around the possibility that a scene in Finding Dory featured a lesbian couple. At the very least, the call for more LGBT representation has reached Disney and they seem to be ready to start thinking about how they can make it a reality.

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    Ren / 03 February 2019

    Im 13 and part of the LGBTQ+ community i have always wanted to see lesbian, bi, or pansexual princess on Disney. I think elsa would be the perfect princess to show kids it should not matter who you love becuse love has no limits! I hope my message speaks to someone.

      Nadalíe / 25 April 2019

      It sure does speak to me. Good job, kid. Well said.

    Alea / 08 September 2018

    Early acceptance of gay people for children, therefore reducing the amount of bullying there is to gay kids, reducing suicide in gay teens, and emotional damage

    Attie / 08 March 2018

    Why? What on earth would that achieve?

      Jessica / 08 August 2018

      It achieves telling children that they can be whoever or whatever you want to be . Gives kids the confidence

        Annabel / 12 November 2019

        Yes I agree anyone and everyone can be who they want to be and they can love who they want to love


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