The remaining queens put on their first Rusical with a Sound of Music-inspired production and Adam Shankman is a guest judge…
Last week we said goodbye to Geneva Karr after she found herself in the bottom following a dolly marketing challenge which put Mhi’ya in the bottom with her. Q took the top spot after their custom doll and runway creation had all of the judges gagged, Sapphira chose to use her immunity potion allowing her to cruise through safely to the next maxi challenge. This week the werk room will be filled with glee as the remaining queens put on their first Rusical! There will be fights over roles, a showstopping rusical debut, and a few notes will probably fall a little flat, too. The hills are alive with the sound of drag queens spilling T. Let’s get into it.
This week’s episode begins in the werk room following Geneva’s elimination. The queens struggle to read her spanish message on the mirror and they’re sad that she’s gone. Mhi’ya slayed the lip sync and some of the other queens are nervous about it. Over on the couches Plasma and some of the other queens congratulate Q on her big win. In confessionals Dawn admits she’s a little upset over Q’s fairy costume won the top over her mid-century mod space suit gown and Plane Jane is happy to have her immunity potion still up for grabs. Sapphira said she was in her head last week which led to her using her potion and admits she has to really work for it for the remainder of the competition.
It’s a new day in the werk room and the queens are feeling excited and ready to slay another challenge. Ru interrupts with a video message referencing that America’s next drag superstar must climb every mountain, and some of the queens are already excited. Ru enters the room and tells them a few of his favourite things because this week is RUSICAL WEEK! The queens will be acting up a storm in The Sound of Rusic.

Ru is letting the girls choose their own roles and later, they’ll be directed by legendary director Adam Shankman. The queens disperse right away to read through the script and listen to the music to choose their roles. Mostly everybody gets the parts they want but Megami and Q fight it out over the baronness role. Plane suggest they rock paper scissors for the role, which Q wins. Plasma, Morphine, and Sapphira all want the lead role of Mariah. Plane backs Plasma but Morphine is really fighting for it. Plasma stands her ground and wins the role.
Now that they all know their parts, they divide into groups with their scene partners and get to work rehearsing. Plasma is really excited about her lead role and Sapphira is taking to the Mother Superior part nicely. Over at the villains table Plane, Q, and Xunami decide to conjure up a little mischief to get into the other queen’s heads. Plasma quickly realizes that she’s in almost every scene, so she will literally have to climb every mountain to perform in this challenge. Out on the mainstage Adam Shankman is waiting for them. He tells the queen his assistant is running a bit late but hopefully she’ll be there soon to help. They start with choreographing the ensemble numbers and some of the queens are picking up the steps, but others are having trouble getting them down. Actress Melissa McCarthy makes her grand entrance as Adam’s assistant. Melissa sitting at the end of the stage has some of the queens, mainly Sapphira, nervous. Melissa throws the queens some cheese and works on distracting them but before she leaves she thanks them for doing what they do and carrying on a tradition that gave her a career. They get back to rehearsing and Mhi’ya is having a lot of trouble getting her ‘60s girl group dancing down. Q’s movement is a little stiff, which Adam clocks immediately. The villain group is really struggling, and after all the shit talking they did to the other queens, karma is kind of serving them.
It’s elimination day and in front of the makeup mirrors the queens remind Sapphira she doesn’t have immunity anymore, but she’s confident in her performance. After rehearsing all night in her hotel room, Q is feeling better about going on stage. Plane reveals she used to be a ballroom dancer but quit out of fear in high school after someone told him it was “gay”. Megami tells her scene partners that musical theatre was a big part of why she felt inspired to be a drag queen. Out on the mainstage Ru introduces this week’s judging panel Michelle, Ross, and of course this week’s extra special guest judge Adam Shankman. It’s time for the debut of The Sound of Rusic. The plot of the musical centres around Mariah, a “baby nun” trying to make her way in the world of singing trios at a national competition. Off the top, everybody has their steps DOWN and all of the judges seem to be enjoying it. Everybody does a really good job, even the queens who had trouble in rehearsal. It’s one of the most polished rusicals in the herstory of the show. Following the rusical, the category on the runway is “I Can Buy Myself Flowers” and all of the queens strut in stunning floral-inspired looks.

Ru asks Plane if she wants to use her potion, which Plane replies, no. Ru calls Dawn, Nymphia, Plane, and Xunami forward and tells them they are all safe for the week, which leaves the tops and bottoms. Critiques start with Plasma. Michelle and Ru love her look on the runway and Ross tells her she nailed her lead performance, which all of the other judges agree with. Michelle tells Sapphira her look is a masterpiece and tells her she stole the show as the supporting actress. Ross compliments her timing and Adam tells her she was a pleasure to watch. Ross and Adam like Morphine’s flower power outfit but all of the judges agree she could have done a little more in the performance. Michelle loves Mhi’ya’s look on the runway and Adam tells her she did alright in the rusical but all of the judges could tell she was in her head during the performance. The judges like Megami’s runway but wanted her to hold onto the reveal a bit longer. Michelle tells her that her drag is a bit one-note, which the others agree with. Ross tells Q her and her giant stole, stole the show. Adam and Ross compliment her performance which really pisses Megami off.
After deliberations, Ru announces that Plasma is the winner of this week’s challenge with Sapphira and Q trailing right behind her. Of the bottom three Ru tells Morphine she is safe. That means Mhi’ya and Megami are the bottom two and both up for elimination. The two bottoms lip sync to Flowers by Miley Cyrus. Megami is feeling confident about her performance but Mhi’ya takes off her shoes and the tricks start to come out. No flips this week, but she does some slides and twirls. Ru decides that Mhi’ya will stay to slay another day, meaning it’s Megami’s time to sashay away.
Next Week on Drag Race: It’s finally time to play Snatch Game and tensions soar in the werk room.
Need more rusicals? Read our regularly updated Definitive Ranking Of All The Musicals On RuPaul’s Drag Race!