Family Guy finally addresses Stewie’s sexuality and reveals his real voice…
Family Guy has hinted at and joked about Stewie’s sexuality for years now, though the subject has never been directly addressed. On Sunday night, however, all of that changed.
The episode titled “Send in Stewie, Please,” took place entirely in a therapy session after Stewie was sent to speak with Dr. Pritchfield (voiced by Ian McKellen) after pushing another boy at school down the stairs.
“I only pushed Tyler down the stairs because I like him and I’m afraid he won’t like me back,” Stewie admitted to Dr. Pritchfield. “And not like him like him. I’m not gay. This whole thing isn’t because I’m gay so calm down, I can already see you licking your chops. I’m sure you live for the ‘coming out’ sessions. If anything I’m less gay than I used to be. Not that anybody at this school would care. But do I think Grant Gustin and I would make the most adorable Instagram couple? Yes, yes we would.”
He added: “Grant Gustin plays The Flash on The CW if you were wondering because, you know most people over 70 probably don’t know who he is. Think young Anthony Perkins.”
The conversation about sexuality continued and Stewie tried to say that he was in fact heterosexual, though he had trouble with the words that came out of his mouth.
“Anyway, fluid is something I hear being tossed around,” Stewie pondered. “But I’m confident in my heterosexuality. That’s a word, right?”
After Dr. Pritchfield said that it was, Stewie replied, “Okay. It just sounded strange for a second.”
As you’d expect, Stewie couldn’t bring himself to be 100 percent honest about his feelings, so this is as close as we will get for now. The next big reveal?
It turns out that Stewie’s Bristish accent isn’t his real voice.
For the first time ever, viewers got to hear the real Stewie, whose voice is much more in line with the rest of his family.
You can watch Family Guy‘s Stewie finally talk with his real voice in the clip below: