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RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars Season 9 Episode 7 Recap: Meeting in the Ladies Room

RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars Season 9 Episode 7 Recap: Meeting in the Ladies Room

The all stars co-star with Ru during an acting challenge and actor Colton Haynes is a guest judge…

Last week the queens roasted each other to filth during the National Drag Convention. Everyone brought their best material to the podium and nobody really tanked with their jokes or reads. Angeria and Plastique took the week’s top spot with Angeria who wins the lip sync, the tip money, and the power to use the ruby snippers against another queen. She of course chooses Roxxxy, saying that it’s simply because she’s the current frontrunner at least in terms of badges, but is there shade lurking? This week the queens will become actors when they star alongside Ru in a comedy acting challenge. Let’s get into it!

This week’s episode begins in the werk room following Angeria’s win. Angie is feeling good about her win and getting to cut Roxxxy again. Roxy enters last with the snippers and joins the other queens on the couches. Roxxxy says she expected it to happen and tells Angeria she believes she’s playing a different game than her and doesn’t really want to discuss it further. Nina is able to politely pry for an explanation and Roxxxy says she feels the decision was acted out with too many dramatics because it was an easy pick. Angeria tells her it absolutely wasn’t an easy choice and she was stalling while she made that choice. After a badge tally Nina says she’s feeling disappointed that she hasn’t been doing as well as she thought she would. At the same time Plastique reveals she has just as many badges as Roxxxy, and knows she’s become a target for the other queens. 

It’s a new week, we’re more than halfway through the competition and one more badge can put a queen above the rest. Around the table Plastique tells the others she’s been doing a little math and discovered that the best chance at getting in the finale is if you block another queen with the same amount of badges as you. Gottmik sees right through it and tells her she’s just trying to deflect from getting blocked this week. Ru enters and tells the queens that even the best queens can get a little emotional and reminds them to make fruit salad out of their lemons. For this week’s mini challenge the queens will have to move the contents of a full fruit basket one at a time to another basket only using their thigh strength. The queen who can transfer the most in 90 seconds wins immunity from being blocked at the end of the week! Stakes are high and these queens are hustling with eggplant, bananas, and zucchini clenched between their legs. The winner of the mini challenge is Nina West, who literally made guacamole on her white pants transferring an avocado. Most importantly, all of the queens who have three badges are still allowed to be blocked. Ru reveals that for this week’s maxi challenge the girls will get to be real bitches while they pay tribute to classic camp movies Valley of the DollsMildred Pierce, Mommie Dearest, Dynasty, The Boys in the Band, and Showgirls to name a few, when they act in the original short film Meeting in the Ladies Room. Each of them will co-star in a scene with Ru, so they’ll have to hold their own in order to make a splash in the challenge. Each of their characters have already been assigned and written specially for them.

The queens get to work learning their scripts and Nina is feeling hopeful this could be her week to shine. Angeria says she feels like she blocked the right person and Shannel is looking forward to her Mommie Dearest-inspired scene maybe getting her first badge. Vanjie is hoping her acting experience as Toto in a school production of The Wizard of Oz will carry her through and Gottmik reveals getting bad critiques on stage last week was difficult because she was trying her hardest not to show any emotion. She tells some of  the other queens that being transmasc out of drag puts her between a rock and a hard place when it comes to how she performs masculinity which can sometimes slip into the toxic side of it that society expects from men. Angieria and Vanjie tell her they all have each other and it’s ok to open up and talk about it. Over on the soundstage the filming kicks off with Jorgeous and her The Boys in the Band parody scene. She takes Ru’s direction well and feels good about her scene. Shannel is next and she’s feeling a lot of pressure to make Ru proud. Plastique gets some solid tips about delivering a punchline and Roxxxy can’t stop cracking up mid-take. Nina takes a lot of initiation in helping direct her scene and Ru loves what she’s giving. Angeria starts off kind of rocky but makes Ru laugh with her character decisions. Gottmik’s werk room release has her feeling refreshed and she’s having a bunch of fun in her scene with Ru. Vanjie brings a lot of personality to her filming which will hopefully shine through in the final take. 

It’s runway day and most of the queens are feeling good about the scenes they filmed with Ru. Shannel didn’t get a lot of laughs from Ru in the filming which has her feeling worried. Gottmik tells Vanjie she’s feeling much better and was able to let go and really be present while filming her challenge. Roxxxy apologizes to Angie for the way she reacted on the couches and says it probably was a hard decision for her. Out on the main stage Ru introduces this week’s panel of judges Michelle, Carson, and this week’s extra special guest judge Colton Haynes. This week on the runway category is “Widow, Weep for Me” and all of the queens are giving fierce widow realness with spider motifs and bridal gowns and everything in between. Following the runway, it’s time for the world premiere of Meeting in the Ladies Room. Nina’s scene is up first and she nailed all of the references, the melodramatics, and the delivery of her lines. Roxxxy’s scene is also strong despite all of her giggling during filming. Angeria serves a lot of attitude in her scene and Plastique’s scene had some funny bits but her delivery got lost at some points. Shannel’s scene is strong but there’s something lacking beneath the surface. Jorgeous was really surprising and had a lot of physical acting in her scene which she really excelled at. Gottmik is a straight up bitch in her scene and it served from start to finish. Last up is Vanjie who gives quintessential Vanjie with her character which could either make or break this challenge for her.

Critiques begin with Nina. Carson loves her transformative victoriana look and Michelle says she was riveted by her whole performance in the challenge. Ru tells her she was prepared, present, and very funny. Next up, Michelle tells Roxxxy she was breathtaking in her scene and Colton tells her she was laughing the whole time. Carson tells her she could have gone even further but says her runway was one of his favourite looks of the night. Carson also loved Angeria’s look and Colton says her physical comedy was perfect with Ru echoing and saying she was a natural. Michelle likes the character choices Plastique made and Carson compliments her traditional Vietnamese look on the runway. Colton loved Shannel’s acting in the challenge, Carson tells her that the wardrobe she chose for the challenge was perfect and Michelle says her runway is stunning and tasteful, which can be hard to do with a brief like this. Ru says she didn’t feel connected with Shannel during the filming which Shannel says is because she gets in her head being an older queen who feels like she can’t keep up. Ru gives her a pep talk which all of the other queens agree with, too. Michelle tells Jorgeous that she’s dressed exactly how she would expect Jorgeous to look at a funeral. She also says she feels like a proud Auntie watching Jorgeous really go for it and not be afraid to get stupid in comedy challenges because it really paid off. Michelle calls Gottmik’s melting candelabra look really beautiful and Colton says her acting was super natural. Finally, the judges tell Vanjie she looks incredibly sexy on the runway. Showgirlssuperfan Michelle tells her she got the best movie to do but she gave it a new interpretation since she wasn’t super familiar with the reference material. Colton says he didn’t hate how much “Vanjie” was in it and Carson gives her some tips for future acting challenges.

After deliberations Ru announces that the top two all stars of the week are Nina West and Angeria. Both queens have earned another benefactress badge. The two top queens lip sync for their charity to Lovergirl by Teena Marie. Both queens give strong performances from start to finish but it’s Angeria who takes the win for the second week in a row. She’s won another $10,000 tip for her charity and once again has the power to snip another queen. Since Nina didn’t need to use her immunity this week, Ru is giving $2500 to her charity. Angeria takes the ruby snippers for the second week in a row and swiftly hands them to Roxxxy jokingly of course. In confessionals she says she knows the obvious choice is Plastique since she has the most badges and she’s never been snipped but also says there is some validity to Plastique’s blocking math. With that in mind, she chooses to block Gottmik from winning a badge next week.

Next week on All StarsGottmik prepares to get back at Angeria and Ru serves up another sewing challenge where the queens will have to create lewks based off an iconic Ru song.

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